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  • Nijhawan, R., Das, J., and Raman, B. A Hybrid of Deep Learning and HandCrafted Features based approach for Snow Cover Mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing(IJRS)- Accepted [Impact factor=2.5, h5-index=42]

  • Nijhawan, R., Raman, B., and Das, J. (2018). Proposed Hybrid-Classifier Ensemble Algorithm to Map Snow Cover Area. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing(JARS), 12(1), 016003. [Impact factor=1.344, h5-index=23]

  • Nijhawan, R., Das, J., and Balasubramanian, R. (2018). A Hybrid CNN+ Random Forest Approach to Delineate Debris Covered Glaciers Using Deep Features. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 1-9. [Impact factor=.92, h5-index=16]

  • Nijhawan, R., Garg, P., and Thakur, P. (2016). A comparison of classification techniques for glacier change detection using multispectral images. Perspectives in Science (Elsevier), 8, 377-380. [h5-index=9]

  • Nijhawan, R., Garg, P. K., and Thakur, P. K. (2016). Monitoring of glacier in Alaknanda basin using remote sensing data. Perspectives in Science (Elsevier), 8, 381-383. [h5-index=9] Conferences (Scopus, DBLP, Google Scholar.. etc Index)

  • Nijhawan, R., Das, J., and Raman, B. (2018). A Novel Hybrid Deep Model with Hand-Crafted Features for Snow Cover Mapping, (UCOST), Uttarakhand, December 7-9. (Received Young Scientist Award).

  • Nijhawan, R., Verma, R., Bhushan, S., Dua, R. and Mittal, A., (2017), December. An Integrated Deep Learning Framework Approach for Nail Disease Identification. 13th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Syste- -ms (SITIS), 2017 (pp. 197-202). IEEE. [h5-index=16] (Acceptance Rate <10%).

  • Nijhawan, R., Garg, P., and Thakur, P. (2016). A comparison of classification techniques for glacier change detection using multispectral images. Perspectives in Science (Elsevier), 8, 377-380. [h5-index=9]

  • Nijhawan, R., Verma, R., Bhushan, S., Dua, R. and Mittal, A., (2017), December. An Integrated Deep Learning Framework Approach for Nail Disease Identification. 13th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Syste- -ms (SITIS), 2017 (pp. 197-202). IEEE. [h5-index=16] (Acceptance Rate <10%).

  • Nijhawan, R., Sharma, H., Sahni, H. and Batra, A., 2017, December. A Deep Learning Hybrid CNN Framework Approach for Vegetation Cover Mapping Using Deep Features. 13th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), 2017 (pp. 197-202). IEEE. [h5-index=16] ( Acceptance Rate <10%).

  • Nijhawan, R., Joshi, D., Narang, N., Mittal, A. and Mittal, A., 2018, February. A Futuristic Deep Learning Framework approach for Land Use Land Cover Classification using Remote Sensing Imagery. 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ICACCT). Springer.- Accepted and Presented [h5-index=10] (Acceptance Rate: 18%).


  • Nijhawan, R., Raman, B., and Das, J. (2017). Meta-classifier approach with ANNSVM-RF for snow cover mapping. International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP) 2017, 9-12 September 2017, Noida (Acceptance Rate: 37%).

  • Nijhawan, R., Rishi, M., Tiwari, A. and Dua, R., 2017, December. A Novel Deep Learning Framework Approach For Natural Calamities Detection. 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS) 2017, Springer.- Accepted and Presented [h5-index=5]

  • Nijhawan, R., and Das, J. (2018). A Proposed Framework Approach for Mapping Glacier Hazard Zones. International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering (ICGCE)-2018, IIT Roorkee- Accepted and Presented.

  • Nijhawan, R., Das, J., and Raman, B. (2016). Comparison of Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network for Delineating Debris Covered Glacier. International Conference on Smart Trends for Information Technology and Computer Communications. ICSICC. Springer, Singapore, 2016.

  • Nijhawan, R., Raman, B., and Das, J. (2016). A Random Forest approach for Delineating Debris covered Glaciers. National Symposium on “Recent Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS with Special Emphasis on Mountain Ecosystems” and Annual Conventions of Indian Society of Remote Sensing and Indian Society of Geomatics (ISRS) held during December 7 – 9, 2016 at Dehradun, India.

  • Nijhawan, R., Das, J., and Raman, B. (2016). Impact of Snow Avalanche on Vegetation Area Using Remote Sensing Data. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing (AICTC) (p.20). ACM, 2016.

  • Nijhawan, R, Srivastava, I., and Shukla, P. (2017, June). Land cover classification using super-vised and unsupervised learning techniques. International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science (ICCIDS), 2017 (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

  • Nijhawan, R., and Jain, K., 2018, April. Glacier terminus position monitoring and modelling using remote sensing data. International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (ICACDS) 2018, Springer.- Accepted and Presented. (Acceptance Rate 20%).

  • Rahul Nijhawan, “A Deep Learning Framework approach for urban area classification using remote sensing data”-Accepted in CVIP 2018.

  • Pneumonia Detection Using CNN based Feature Extraction, Kartik Thakral, Dimpy Varshni, Lucky Agarwal, Rahul Nijhawan, Ankush Mittal. 2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT 2019)

  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Detection from Histopathological Images, Dimpy Varshni, Kartik Thakral, Rahul Nijhawan, Ankush Mittal. 1st International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences (MIND 2019)

  • Rahul Nijhawan, Amit Kumar Singh, Akash Gangwar, “A Novel Deep Learning Framework Approach for Waste Segregation”, International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2019 (ICAECT 2019), Coimbatore

  • Jaishankar Bhatt, Akash Gangwar, Rahul Nijhawan, Durgaprasad Gangodkar, “A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Landslide Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (Scopus Index).-Accepted.

  • Rahul Nijhawan, Muskan, Pranshu Agarwal, “A Novel AdaBoost Approach to key out the degree of Domestic Refuse”, -Accepted in Scopus Index-Journal.

  • Aishwarya ., Akansha Goel and Rahul Nijhawan, “A Deep Learning Approach for Classification of Onychomycosis Nail Disease”, ICETIT-2019-Accepted.

  • Divya Pratap, Srishti, Rahul Nijhawan, “A Novel Deep Learning Framework Approach for Emotion Classification”-Accepted in scopus Index Journal.

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